E-Signing & Contracts

Secure, Automated Contracts with E-Signing

E-Signing & Contracts

Reduce costs and save time with IDprop’s own secure e-signing product, tailored for real estate, to automate workflows and manage the entire contract process. Create and store document templates. Select which parties should sign, whether owner, tenant or realtor. All parties to the contract receive automated e-mails requesting their e-signature.

To keep track of current contracts, automated alerts are sent out before contracts are due to expire, giving you ample time to offer contract renewals, with the same or adjusted terms, or find replacement tenants.

To ensure each signature is legitimate, and would hold up in court, each party signs in with Key-Based 2-Factor Authentication. All data is encrypted in use, in storage and in transit (using the same type of 256 bit encryption employed by the US Government).

All our systems respect the privacy of user data. We are fully compliant with Europe’s Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy ACT (CCPA). Users have real-time access to view and edit their data and when a tenancy ends can choose to delete all their data. All historical logs would then be anonymised in the audit trail. No user data is every shared without the user’s consent and no user data is ever sold. No Biometric Data is stored permanently.

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